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The Joy Center
Psychotherapy. Counseling. Coaching.



Image by Nathan Lindahl


"Coming to terms with the trauma of my past was a daunting task.  The Joy Center Inc, helped me to make sense of my story and to overcome the things that seemed insurmountable.. "

- Lynn

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Joy is...

Joy is sunshine.

Joy is rainstorms.

Joy is the smell of spring.

Joy is feeling alive.

Joy is children laughing.

Joy is sustainable.


Joy comes from encountering people who are just "glad" to be with us...always. Through a variety of modalities, we can learn to recover our lives from the things that have taken our joy.  


Newton's first law of motion (paraphrase) says that an object in motion stays in motion until a force acts upon it. If you want to change the direction you are heading, try something different. 

Discover what thriving is.



. The heart is open, flexible, curious, creative, loving, and kind.  By learning to engage with your heart, we can develop a connection with the Creator, with self and others that is life-giving.  Our stories begin to make more sense, and we can learn to respond to with the best parts of who we are instead of reacting form an old program lodged in the brain.  

Life is like a bank account.
A dime here, a dollar there, often describes the deposits of joy in our lives.  Real life, though, often requires
withdrawals that are more than our accounts are holding.


Overdraft in our life looks like lack of patience, short tempers, seeing people as problems and problems become bigger than our relationships.  Overdraft sometimes looks like anxiety, burnout and depression. Frequently overdrafts effect those closest to us, and relationships begin to fracture.  


Just like a bank account, the only way to recover from an overdraft is with a deposit.


Sometimes, we don't know how to find the reserves to make the deposit!  We can help you find the resources you didn't know you had. 

2015 The Joy Center, Inc.

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